By clicking on this page, you just took the first step. See, it probably wasn’t as hard as you thought!
Getting started begins by looking around at your options for learning ballroom and scheduling a lesson. Let’s make sure that process is as easy and unintimidating as possible!
To help make choosing Dance at Home even easier, the first lesson is a introductory one. Here’s what you can expect:
A true, 45-minute lesson. (Not some pretend, 25-minute excuse of a lesson designed to get you excited to buy a pricey package.) This lesson will be an overview of selected dance styles, chosen to match whatever hopes you expressed during your first contact with me (via phone or email).
A chance to see if you like learning with me and an opportunity for me to see how you learn.
Most importantly, a chance to see how much fun you can have learning in your own home.
At the end of the lesson, it’s all up to you on how you’d like to proceed. There will be no sales pitch. Either you like it and want to continue, or you’d rather try a studio.
Simply fill out the form below or email me at to schedule your first lesson.